Rivera walkway and green lawn (c) UCR



UCR Leadership Team

Nikita M

Nikita McWells

CUSP/BB2P Executive Administrator
Director of Graduate Student Advising
Batchelor Hall 1140
Telephone: (951) 827-6746
Email: nikita.mcwells@ucr.edu
Brenda Headshot

Brenda Cuevas

Student Services Advisor


Batchelor Hall 1140
Telephone: (951) 827-7378
Email: brenda.cuevas@ucr.edu
Francey big square

Frances Sladek, PhD

CUSP/BB2P Co-Program Director
Professor of Cell Biology, Department of Molecular, Cell & Systems Biology
4140 MRB
Telephone: (951) 827-2264
Email: Frances.Sladek@ucr.edu
Loralee Larios

Loralee Larios, PhD

CUSP/BB2P Co-Program Director
Assistant Professor and Plant Ecologist
3207 Batchelor Hall
Telephone: (951) 827-4001
Email: loralee.larios@ucr.edu
pierre zoomed

Pierre Godisan

CUSP/BB2P Program Intern
Batchelor Hall 1140
Telephone: (800) 735-0717
Email: gsacstudentworker@ucr.edu

CSU Leadership Team

William Hoese

William Hoese, PhD

BB2P CSU Fullerton Faculty Contact
Professor, Biological Sciences
California State University, Fullerton

Telephone: (657) 278-2476
Email: bhoese@fullerton.edu
Joseph Ross

Joseph A Ross, PhD

BB2P CSU Fresno Faculty Contact
Professor, Biology
California State University, Fresno

Telephone: (559) 278-4074
Email: jross@csufresno.edu
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